Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Stay The Same ^^

Ini lagu sebenarnya udah lama banget , tahun 98 kalo ga salah, waktu saya masih kecil,hehe..
Waktu itu saya punya VCD nya, tapi lambat laun, kaset VCD itupun hilang,huhu
Nah, sewaktu belanja di Minimarket, minimarket itu muter lagu stay the same ini.."hmm, kaya pernah kenal ni lagu," pikir saya. Sambil keliling-keliling diminimarket itu saya sambil mengingat-ingat,ini lagu judulnya apa dan penyanyinya siapa, suaranya mirip David Archuleta sih, tapi kaya nya ni lagu udah lama banget.. Ya udah deh langsung saya hapalin lirik nya dan langsung nyari di google,hoho..
Waktu kecil saya memang ga ngerti liriknya tapi suka dengar lagunya, dan sekarang, saya rasa isi lagu ini memang bagus ^^v


Don't you ever wish you were someone else,
You were meant to be the way you are exactly.
Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.
When you learn to love yourself, you're better off by far.
And I hope you always stay the same,
cuz there's nothin' 'bout you I would change.

I think that you could be whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize, all the dreams you have inside.
Don't be afraid if you've got something to say,
Just open up your heart and let it show you the way.


Believe in yourself.
Reach down inside.
The love you find will set you free.
Believe in yourself, you will come alive.
Have faith in what you do.
You'll make it through.


Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Baby Baby Baby.. Baby Boo.. ^^

Yiapp.. pasti diantara kalian ada yang tau arti judul saya kali ini,hoho^^
Right, itu judul lagu yang judulnya..hmm,,tapi saya rada bingung nih dengan judul lagu nya, ada yang bilang, “If I Have A Lover”, ada yang bilang, “What I Want To Do If I Have A Lover”, dan ada juga yang bilang, “What I Want To Do Once I Have A Lover,” hmmm.. tapi sekarang saya putuskan bahwa judulnya ini adalah: What I Want To Do If I Have A Lover , hohoho^^
Lagu nya bagus lho, dinyanyiin sama G.NA ft Rain dan juga Gayoon 4Minute ft Yoesoeb B2ST.. Begitu membaca terjemahan liriknya,saya jadi semakin suka dengan ini lagu.. Menceritakan tentang keinginan seseorang untuk memiliki seorang kekasih dan rencana-rencana yang akan dilakukan bila dia sudah mendapatkannya.. So Sweet deh pokoknyaa^^.. Di list songs for you juga ada kok,kalo mau dengar lagunya.. hehe
Berikut  lirik nya dalam English version aja yaa tapinya^^ Check it out...

What I Want To Do If I Have A Lover

Everything feels alright, only with you, my boo

If I have a boy friend, there'll be so many things I want to do
I've dreamt I have a boy friend like that
The first, kissing him in the street
The second, catching the early train for Chooncheon with him
The third, going on a picnic with him
The fourth, the piggy back ride
The fifth, couple-ring is basic to our love
Boo boo boo It'll be really sweet

The thought of it makes my heart flutter
I'll try to do every one a day with you
I'm so happy to be with you
I'm so happy we both are together
You're a real treasure to me, baby baby baby baby baby boo~

If I have a girl friend, there'll be so many things I also want to do
I've always envied another's girl friend
The sixth, I'll go to late night movies with you
The seventh, I'll go to amusement parks with you
The eighth, I'll hold a surprise event for you
Boo boo boo I'll be really happy because of you

The thought of it makes my heart flutter
I'll try to do every one a day with you
I'm so happy to be with you
I'm so happy we both are together
You're a real treasure to me, baby baby baby baby baby boo~ yeah~

I've been alone on my birthday
I've had nothing do on the weekend
But I'm eagerly looking forward to such named days

I'm so happy to be with you, I'm so happy we both are together

Wherever we are, or whatever we do

I really want us to be one

Everyday what I really try to do with you, is to tell you, "I love you"
What I really want to hear from you, is such a word, "I love you"
Thank you for coming to me
I'm so happy to be with you
You are my only love, baby baby baby baby baby boo~
Baby baby baby (my one and only love) baby boo~

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