Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Stay The Same ^^

Ini lagu sebenarnya udah lama banget , tahun 98 kalo ga salah, waktu saya masih kecil,hehe..
Waktu itu saya punya VCD nya, tapi lambat laun, kaset VCD itupun hilang,huhu
Nah, sewaktu belanja di Minimarket, minimarket itu muter lagu stay the same ini.."hmm, kaya pernah kenal ni lagu," pikir saya. Sambil keliling-keliling diminimarket itu saya sambil mengingat-ingat,ini lagu judulnya apa dan penyanyinya siapa, suaranya mirip David Archuleta sih, tapi kaya nya ni lagu udah lama banget.. Ya udah deh langsung saya hapalin lirik nya dan langsung nyari di google,hoho..
Waktu kecil saya memang ga ngerti liriknya tapi suka dengar lagunya, dan sekarang, saya rasa isi lagu ini memang bagus ^^v


Don't you ever wish you were someone else,
You were meant to be the way you are exactly.
Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.
When you learn to love yourself, you're better off by far.
And I hope you always stay the same,
cuz there's nothin' 'bout you I would change.

I think that you could be whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize, all the dreams you have inside.
Don't be afraid if you've got something to say,
Just open up your heart and let it show you the way.


Believe in yourself.
Reach down inside.
The love you find will set you free.
Believe in yourself, you will come alive.
Have faith in what you do.
You'll make it through.


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