Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Observation Report in Bali : Sociolinguistics

Waktu PKL Sociolinguistics, kami di tugaskan untuk membuat laporan observasi nya. Inilah hasilnya..

I. Introduction

            There are many varieties that we can find in all languages. These varieties are sounds, words and grammatical features and only for human languages. A language in a country has different language variation with other countries. Many people think that these varieties are just incorrect ways of speaking, but they're not; they are different. These varieties have their own ways of pronouncing words, their own special vocabulary and even their own grammatical rules.
            Language varieties include: dialects, register, slang language or style, speech level, pidgin, and creoles. In this report, I will explain only the definition of dialect, register, and slang language (style).  Dialect is the form of speech of a limited region or people, as distinguished from ether forms nearly related to it; a variety or subdivision of a language; speech characterized by local peculiarities or specific circumstances ( For example, in South Borneo there are Banjarese language and divided in two dialects: Banjar Hulu and Banjar Kuala dialects (Fatchul Mu'in and Sirajuddin Kamal, 2006 : 30). Register is varieties of language which are more closely associated with setting or scene in which they are used that with the people who are using them are usually included in the concept or register, and distinguished from one another primarily on the dimension of relative formality (Troike and Blackwell). In linguistics, a register is a variety of a language used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting. For example, a word "plate" in English context means "piring" in Indonesian, but in Geology context, it means "lempeng or lempengan". According to, slang language or style is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's dialect or language. It is often used to identify with one's peers and, although it may be common among young people, it is used by people of all ages and social groups. For example, in English, the word "amn't" means "am not". The word "am" changes to "m" (
            In whole world, there are so many languages that also have varieties of taboo and euphemism words. A taboo is a strong social prohibition (or ban) relating to any area of human activity or social custom that is sacred and forbidden based on moral judgment and sometimes even religious beliefs ( Breaking the taboo is usually considered abhorrent or even be excommunicated by society. Other taboos result in embarrassment, shame, and rudeness. Although critics and/or dissenters may oppose taboos, they are put into place to avoid disrespect to any given authority, be it legal, moral and/or religious. For example in English, the word "death" and "sex" generally can be related to another word that restricted to speak in front of people. The opposed of taboo is euphemism. A euphemism is a substitution for an expression that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the receiver, using instead an agreeable or less offensive expression, or to make it less troublesome for the speaker ( The purpose of the substitution may also be to avoid revealing secret or sacred names to the uninitiated, or to obscure the identity of the subject of a conversation. For example, the word "death" can change to "passing away; passing on". The word "sex" changes to "sleep with; go to bed with; make love". Thus, a country has language varieties and we also know that our language varieties and language varieties in other countries are different.        
Actually, there are many of the examples and we can find in everywhere. The source may found in the daily society life. I am given a chance to find more examples of language varieties. I went to Bali with my classmates and we were given an assignment to interview some local and foreign people in there. We observed and asked some questions to them. The results can be seen in the chapter II.

II. The Language Varieties in Bali

            A. The Language Varieties from Balinese People (Local People)
The Balinese speak at least three languages to communicate with others in their daily life. As we all know, Bali is famous for its tourisms. The tourisms industry brings new phenomena in the way they communicate. When we do our research in Bali, we observed the way they do the code mixing and code switching when they talk to other people. Our tour guide Bli Wayan Sutama, explained the tourisms place by using Bahasa Indonesia. But, when he talked to another tour guide, Bli Nyoman Sukena he spoke in Balinese. On the other occasion, when he talked to us he sometimes included some words of English and Balinese as code mixing; for example: “Matur thank you” from Balinese “Matur Suksama” (terima kasih).         
Besides that, we also know there are different dialects in Bali. When addressing another Balinese person, the speaker soon finds out there caste, by the name of the person. If a high caste Balinese encounters a low caste person, the will speak to them in low Balinese (speaking downward), the other person responding in high Balinese (speaking upward). In everyday life people will generally use the rule that they will speak low Balinese to family and friends, middle Balinese to strangers, and in the work place, Indonesian is the common language.
Reportedly two distinct dialects. High Bali is used in religion, but those who can use it are diminishing. There are speech strata in several lowland varieties. When they are having their holiday, the Balinese people, especially Balinese women, they are actively involved in religious living in related with ritual preparation, such as prepare offering, cooking if there is ceremony or funeral, learning dancing or any other art as part of daily life in Bali, taking care of family, etc. There are always things to do for these hardworking women. And other thing I admire is the way they maintain the elegance while walking in a traditional dress “kebaya” carrying a heavy offering in their head.
As well as used to express certain ideas, language is also used to avoid saying an idea. It called taboo. Balinese have something "taboo", such as pointing with left hand. In general, Balinese are right handed people. So pointing with left hand is considered a very bad gesture. For Balinese people, the rule is gentlemen first especially for certain occasion such as eating related occasions, there is no such ladies first. This is something to do with the values of respecting the oldest (male) based on Balinese local culture. In older times the caste system had more power than is does today. It is somewhat taboo for a Balinese woman of high caste to marry a man of lower caste. In such a case she drops to his level. The reverse is true if it were a man. One of the examples of taboo words in Bali is “kenyang” and it is used for Balinese men related to “sex”. Balinese also have register in their language, such as the word "pipis" in Balinese context is "money". It is different with Indonesian language generally; "pipis" in Indonesian language context means "urinate". In slang language of Balinese, the examples are "laka leke" or "leke-leke" from lika-liku (berliku-liku) means "meander", and "basa" from "bahasa" means "language". In euphemism words of Balinese, one of the examples is "cock" for "penis" and it is the same for the Balinese as it is for Americans. According to Bli Wayan Sutama, the most different thing that he has known if it is compared between Balinese people and people out of Bali is the local language. There are some words that have contrast meaning in Balinese if we compare with Indonesian language context. Therefore, we must be careful when we said some words in Indonesian language to Balinese, because the meaning in Balinese are different. 

            B. The Language Varieties from Foreign People (Tourist in Bali)
            In Bali, we observed and interviewed some foreigners who visited Bali for vacation. The first foreigner from Australia named Carol Johnstone. She was with her husband and two children. That was their first time visited Indonesia. Their language is English. They went to Bali because they heard from their friends about the beauty of Bali. They have "taboo" words in their country, but they didn't want to tell us. The second foreigner from Canada. She was with her boyfriend. That was their first time visited Indonesia. Their first language is English, and their second language is French. They have something 'taboo" to be asked, for example, in Canada you can use the words "hell" and "damn" any time you like, except possible in small towns in front of religious old ladies. They also told us the example of their slang language, such as "G'day" from "Good day" and "G'way" from "Go away". If one day they have a chance to visit Indonesia again, they didn't know what cities they will visit, because they only knew Bali in Indonesia, they didn't know our South Kalimantan (Borneo).

III. Conclusion

In conclusion, there are many varieties that we can find in all languages. A language in a country has different language variation with other countries. In Indonesia, especially in Bali, we have found the language varieties that used by Balinese.  The language varieties that we found in Bali include taboo, euphemism, register, slang language (style), and dialect. Moreover, Bali is one of the famous islands in Indonesia. Bali is often visited by many foreign and local tourists, even some foreign tourists only know Bali as an island; not as a part of archipelago of Indonesia. Therefore, there are many foreign people from many different countries who visit and live in Bali. They also have language varieties that are different each other.
We observe and distinguish the language varieties of Balinese with local people (Indonesian) and foreign people. The results show that most people in Bali speak Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) and many speak some English. It is happen when we ask or make conversation with native people used Indonesian language, the native speaker will respond the conversation also in Indonesia. We have met some foreign people and they explain their language varieties. Although some of them couldn't tell the example of taboo words, but they could tell other varieties of language easily. They also admired many beautiful places in Bali. Balinese need to speak English more fluent, because one of Balinese’s professions is tour guide for foreign people. Balinese are also different from other regions in Indonesia, particularly in their religion and their culture. These diversities should be maintained as part of Indonesian resources. Thus, people who live in other countries (foreign people) have wide appeal to visit; not only Bali, but many different regions in Indonesia.

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